5 reasons people would rather store luxury goods than sell them.

store luxury goods

There’s a time to hold.. and a time to let go, a time to say hello, and a time to say farewell. If you had been searching for 16th century poetry, we do apologize.. for a site displaying Shakespeare’s sonnets have you landed not, but a blog offering sound advice, for which we possess a lot.

Ok so enough of the poetic, let’s dive into the matter at hand. As consumers we purport to possess certain luxury goods, but at times, with the growing influence of luxury goods in society, it can sometimes be the other way around.

What do we mean by luxury goods?

Well, luxury is a term reserved in most cases for the following : 

  • Designer Handbags

  • Luxury watches

  • Designer Clothes & shoes

  • Luxury cars

  • Private planes

  • Luxury yachts

  • Fine wine

You may find 1 of the sectors listed above familiar - you may find 7. For those of you with luxury goods which aren’t represented - this list isn’t exhaustive - you can add your own to the list.

Whatever the nature of your luxury goods, they seem all to reach that point in their lifecycle when the excitement for them isn’t as it was, when their use begins to wane & the question looms ‘keep or get rid - store or sell?’. Thankfully, the best outlets for storing & selling luxury goods are within our scope. We will duly reveal them for your benefit.

The 5 reasons people would rather store their luxury goods than sell them

1). Don’t know how to sell

If you’re unaware of the supposed value of your luxury goods - then you’re likely also to be unaware of the best place to sell them. Any foray into the world of ‘luxury’ will let you know that knowledge about your goods is a prerequisite for selling them. But despair not, there are a few options available to you with companies alike able to produce a free valuation for your luxury goods within hours.To get the best quote - you’ll need a few images handy along with the original purchase documentation that came with them. Don’t have documentation? You can still receive a quote based on the images provided along with some basic information about your goods. 

2). Emotions

You’re emotionally attached - and there could be several reasons for this. But remember this, the goods we’ve attached to ourselves become clutter physically attaching themselves to spaces in our homes. You may no longer even use some of these items - but can’t bear the idea of losing them. Pieces with sentimental value are often the not-for-sale pieces within our possessions. The necklace perhaps which you consider priceless since it’s been in the family many years - or that gift from a special someone - too precious to be sold. Luxury goods that sit outside this description may certainly be easier to let go since they can be replaced.

3). You plan to use them.. later on. sometime

‘I’ll wear this again, for a special occasion.’ That was 3 years ago.. now it sits unnoticed, unloved. Oftimes we refuse to let things go - even when we know it’s come to the end of the road for them. All the while they sit, gathering dust, maybe even losing value. They might look good on someone else if you could free yourself of them - but that’s the problem - you don’t want them to look good on someone else - even if they don’t look good on you any more either.

4). Don’t have time 

You’ve probably heard of the phrase time-poor. Does that sound close to home? You may feel that going out of your way to sell something yourself is somewhat absurd - what time would you have to do it - where would you even start? Well - it’s largely why a personal selling service exists. Finding out the value of the luxury goods on today’s market, looking for a prospective buyer, arranging the sale and transfer of the goods? This can all sound a bit mind-boggling for some, but to another, mere bread & butter. Perhaps not an excuse for storing luxury goods - . Luxury goods change hands today on a scale comparable to stocks & shares - apples & pears. 

5). It’s not yours to sell

And hesitant to sell you should be. If the goods aren’t yours a sale is likely to amount to theft which could put you in hot water. In this case we would sorely advise against selling and suggest that you keep hold of them. If the goods in question are becoming a burden to you, taking up your space, becoming an eyesore in the quarters of your home.. kindly send the owner a whatsapp message asking them to collect what belongs to them. Please don’t do it in the group chat as we don’t have a blog for ‘what to do when you tick your friends off on social media’.’


Escape the grip of the 5 traps listed above and you’ll be free to exercise sound judgment on the fate of your luxury goods. Still feel you might need more info to make up your mind - check out our blog, ‘The 5 Least Expensive Ways to Store Expensive Furniture’ for more angles to consider.


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