Frequently Asked Questions
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We may still be able to produce a quote for you for you based on factors such as age, condition, brand etc. We would still require images.
We'll be unable to produce a valuation for the goods which is consistent with its said value. We would advise obtaining either original documentation or images for your goods.
No. Pearlly does not accept any goods that come under the counterfeit or replica bracket. Any goods seen to be unauthenticated will be rejected. If the goods are already in our possession before we find out about the counterfeit nature - we will ask you to arrange their collection. After a period of two weeks they will be disposed of.
Typically, we don’t accept goods we can't sell.
If we aren't sufficiently confident we can achieve sales of your goods, we will politely let you know prior to receiving them.
In the unusual event that we are unable to sell your luxury goods after taking them on, we’ll propose a number of actions to have your goods sold swiftly.
There's very little that we don't accept. If in doubt, send us an email and we'll happily inform you of our standing on your goods.
Within the UK there's a flat rate. Outside0 of the UK this rate can vary greatly depending on your proximity to the UK.
They are stored securely at our premises under 24 hour guarded security. They areoly released on sale or return to the owner.
A digital camera isn't required. You can use your phone to take images of your luxury goods - most phones have HD cameras these days.
If this process is more hassle than it's worth, Pearlly can send out a representative who will capture the relevant images of your goods. This service does carry a minimum £60 charge. Since better images are proven to increase the value of goods at sale - we highly recommend it.
Pearlly is not a storage company but we do offer storage space for luxury goods on the basis that an agreement has already been set up to sell goods on behalf of their owner.
Yes, we can still pay out for goods that've been damaged, however, this will of course affect the price negatively.
Whenever you need it collected. Pearlly can have goods collected within a week, within a few days, & even on the same day we're first contacted in some urgent cases.
It's anywhere between 15% - 25% of the item's current retail value on the day. That is, the amount it's currently being sold for by the designer or brand. In some cases, goods do receive more, or less depending on the nature of the goods & depending on the specifics of the sale.
There are two types of arrangements that we have for payment of luxury goods :
Instant payout : This arrangement is for all matters urgent. This arrangement usually delivers a lower payout.
Payout upon sale : This arrangement enables Pearlly take your luxury goods and secure sales for them prior to a payout. This arrangement usually delivers a higher payout but means waiting a period anywhere between 6 - 12 weeks to be paid.
Current timelines are between 1 - 3 days for collection of items being donated to charity. This can be made more of a priority depending on the circumstances and location.
Yes. We can facilitate the process of donating money from the sale of your goods to charity. How does this work? We collect the items, and once they are sold, donate a portion of the sum raised to charity - you tell us how much. The rest is paid out to you.
Pearlly accepts most luxury and designer furniture of all types - second hand or brand new. This includes sofas, chairs, armchairs, dining tables, beds, wardrobes, ornaments, lights, lamps, side-tables, coffee tables and more. If in doubt don't hesitate to get in contact.
Please note: we don't tend to take department store or high street furniture but if their value exceeds £1,000 we can consider them. -
We will need to see original purchase documentation or receipts for the furniture in question so that we can determine the value & give you a quote.
Yes. We also accept luxury jewellery, cars & bags. We have a division that deals with prime property also. For all other things luxury not in this list - feel free to get in touch & we'll confirm if we can accept them.
We don't tend to take items from stores or brands that aren't from luxury or designer brands however there are occasions when we do consider them. They would have to be valued at over £1,000 individually if we are to consider them.
Nope. Pearlly deals with all things luxury. If you don't spot your particular luxury goods on our site - don't hesitate to throw us a line with the details of your goods & we’ll swiftly confirm if we accept them.
This is furniture which doesn't come from typical high street or department store - though there are exceptions to the rule. For example, DFS is brand that we don't tend to accept as it isn't an example of a luxury or designer brand. Other examples we wouldn't accept - Sofa Workshop, Furniture Village, SCS, Harvey's, Dwell, sorry.
Examples of such brands are the likes of Bo Concept, Natuzzi, Sofa & Chair Company, Eichholtz, Roche Bobois and FlexForm to name a few. There are thousands of designer furniture brands out there so if you're unsure don’t hesitate to contact us to find out.
We do collect furniture from Europe. Shipping charges apply.
Yes. This is usually at owner's cost which will be calculated based on distance address is from our premises in south east London.
We would need purchase documentation for them. If you have neither of these it is unlikely that we'd be able to help you in selling your furniture.
Pearlly offers a professional cleaning service for furniture, curtains, carpets & rugs.
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If none of the questions above answer your question(s), please fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.